Thursday, June 21, 2007

there comes a time in the life of all good u of ters to bid farewell to the carefree bliss of their undergraduate years and strike out in search of bigger, even more costly, and less self-destructive things.

here they are. in an hour's time they will be all growned up. they will cease to wear pajamas at all hours of the day, organize their schedules around soccer games and broomball tournaments, and eat icing for breakfast.

ready, set, grow up.

they will respect their parents for the wise - albeit imperfect - creatures they are, and never again shut themselves in their roos and crank up the stereo because they don't want to be asked to do the dishes.

I love you, daddy. now pay my tuition.

About to do the dasterdly deed.

the hood represents a hundred missed meals. a thousand hours spent writing papers and cramming for exams instead of sleeping. a million brain cells lost due to fatal error: information overload.

many thanks to seymour et al. for their kind donations of life and fur for this event.

hutchie's caption...
sarah: "where are you?"
laura: "front campus"
sarah: "can you be a little more specific?"
laura: "in front of con hall"
sarah: "ah..."
laura: "next to the tree"
(you can grow them up, but you can't give them brains)

goodbye, u of t. and thanks for the $50,000 piece of paper.

1 comment:

Mere said...

Congrats Bish!!