Thursday, February 25, 2010

Scene: my supervisor's office.

Supervisor: So, according to your Confirmation of Candidature document timeline, you're going to have a chapter on expertise written by the end of March.
Me: Oh?
Supe: Yes, that's what you have here.
Me: Well.
Supe: So...
Me: How long is it meant to be?
Supe: I don't know, it's your thesis!

Fast forward two weeks. Scene: my office. I have a supervisor meeting tomorrow. I've spent the last few days researching theories of expertise, but it's been one of those weeks when every article you download turns out to be 53 pages long, the really useful ones are in journals the university doesn't subscribe to, everything else is about computational modeling or bloody chess, and I really just want to go to the beach and read the new Dexter book and eat Tim Tams.

My Google Scholar and Web of Science searches keep turning up chapters of The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, so I check the library website and I'm excited to see that it's available.

Until I go to pick the thing up - all 901 pages of it. I flip to the chapter on musical expertise and find 10 pages and a few dozen references for qualitative and case studies.

Hopes and dreams crushed, I give up and join the other weary postgrads for coffee.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Everyone knows that thesis timelines are more like guidelines, anyway!